Thursday, January 29, 2015

Resolution Review

It's the end of January and those resolutions have had some time to settle in and be tested. How are they holding up? Rethinking that pledge to not buy any new yarn? Or possibly giving up coke or sugar or caffeine now seems like a bad idea?

We didn't make any resolutions as a group here but we do see the benefits of taking the New Year as a time to re-situate yourself for the next 12 months.

If I were to make some knitting resolutions, they would go something like this:

1. I resolve to bust out my gift/stamp cards and indulge myself with some Alpaca and possibly a new bag. Seriously, I have my eye on both of these things.

2. I resolve to keep my greasy snacking to a minimum while I'm knitting, either that or invest in some really awesome paper towels.

3. I resolve to finish all of my works in prog..........I can't even finish that sentence, all of my bags of W.I.P. are laughing at me.

4. I resolve to invest in some good audio books and give my TV a break while I'm knitting. Maybe I'll learn something too, nah, fiction here I come.

5. I resolve to tell my husband about every yarn purchase I make this year.......dun, dun duunnnn. That will definitely keep the stash at a minimum.

I think five resolution ought to do it. If by now you have conquered your resolutions or feel like adding a few more or hey, you want to start, feel free to pick up any of these. Good luck with your reformation!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Books and Yarn

Today I'm thinking of my happy places.  I am guessing that many of you share my love for these destinations, a book shop and a yarn shop. I can spend hours in either one of these two. The endless possibilities of getting lost in an imaginary world or a genuine love story or ticking off one of those classics on the list. Or touching so much soft yarn your skin starts to feel more smooth or daydreaming about patterns to go with the alpaca you just found or "investing" in another needle set. These places just get me.

Now we don't have the space to pull this off at the shop but wouldn't it be great to combine the two? Raise your hand if you're with me! Since we can only dream about it, how about we meet half way and at least talk about the books that have been tickling our fancy lately while we indulge in some yarn shopping. Feel free to talk books as well as yarn next time you're in. :)

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Sock Yarn

If you like it colorful and stripey we have brought in the perfect sock yarn for you. Feast your eyes on Hachito by Mirasol Yarn, it's 80% wool and 20% nylon, great for warmth and longevity. There are 192 yds in a skein and we have four different colors at the shop.

Hachito by Mirasol Yarn. Color Parrots (10001)

Pattern shown: Basic Sock by Churchmouse 

This gorgeous yarn is shown in a simple but effective pattern. We all know Churchmouse can do a pattern like none other. So come on in and take a look at these beauties and imagine them making your feet nice and toasty. 

Thanks to Cori for pictures of her lovely socks in progress. :)