Friday, April 13, 2012

TuTu, Malabrigo, and Rowan, oh my!

We got new yarn!!!  Beware ladies and gents, there are fiber filled pictures to follow that may make you drool.  We are not to be held responsible for any water damaged keyboards. ;)
Let's start off with some fun yarn. We got in a bunch of Crystal Palace TuTu Lamé. Anyone in the mood for a quick, funky, fun scarf?  These skeins practically knit themselves and in the end you get ruffle heaven. We have a hard time keeping this stuff in the store so you better hurry before you have to wait for the next batch.
We have more colors than what is pictured above, this was just to give you a taste.

Next up, we have Malabrigo. *Ahem* Wahooooooooooooooo!!!  Excuse me, but this just happens to be one of my favorite yarns. We got in more Rasta and Rios and then threw in a newbie, Aquarella. It's a thick and thin bulky (pictured on the far right below) and comes in fabulous, vivid colors. It will be fun to see what people choose to work up in this new yarn.

And now for the pièce de résistance: Rowan!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That's right, we brought in Rowan. This is our first dabble in the line so we decided to bring in some of their cotton and cotton blends for summer.  Check it out:

We have Cotton Glace, Summer Tweed, Savannah, Purelife Revive (pictured below) and Creative Linen. There are lots of textures and colors to work with for summer. We also got a couple Rowan books in, so come have a looksee.

Apart from all of this we got in a bunch of different cotton yarns for the season.  Classic Elite's Seedling and Sprout are just a couple examples of the cotton fun we're talking about.

Now if you're thinking about starting a new project, whether that be summer themed or a Malabrigo splurge, we've got you covered.  Come on by to Late Night tonight and check it out!

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