Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Used Patterns

Now I don't know about you but I have gone through a few ink cartridges printing out patterns. Then I mark them all up with notes and mods and which yarn and needles I used. After all of that I don't really want to throw away the paper when I'm done, unless the pattern is just that bad, I want to keep them.

This means that I end up with piles and piles of wrinkled up papers with coffee stains or tears that make it quite difficult to reuse effectively. I am trying to come up with some good storage solutions to this problem.  I was wondering what you thought of these options:

The classic Binder with paper protectors

The Accordion Binder

Files in a lovely file cabinet

Or page protectors fused into a slim folder

Each of these options has its pros and cons but all can be used effectively. I have recently started converting over to the last option. I find them to be easy and minimal, but I guess anything is better than a large stack of loose papers.

What do you prefer or use at the moments?  We would love to hear. :)


  1. Binder, with page protectors works best for me!

  2. I definitely use binders with protectors for my pattern printouts. I have one each for afghans, kids, and women's patterns.
    I also use them for pictures and patterns I've cut out of magazines while trying to reduce my 'zine stashes.
