Monday, January 13, 2014

Mo's Stash Box

Our ever-loving mascot, Mo is offering to our customers a seasonal box filled with yummy knitting goodies including tools, notions, patterns, yarn, etc.  It's our new "club" for those of you who love to get surprises!  Mo's stash box wil come seasonally; up to four boxes a year.  You can sign up for incremental seasons but there is a two season minimum to sign up.
Here's the best part; Mo likes to keep things interesting,  so everything that comes in your box will be exclusive to those who sign up for Mo's stash box.  None of the items you will receive will be available for purchase to the everyday customer.  Ooooo, so special!
All boxes contain the same elements with only slight differences in pattern or color.  Therefore, nothing is individualized to its owner and will remain as such.  You will receive a variety in each box as to satisfy a wide range of interests.  Mo will do his best to make sure everyone is pleased with their box.
The seasonal buy in is as follows:
  • 2 season buy in is $100
  • 3 seasons:  $145
  • 1 year: $190

 The value of each box will exceed $50 so you're getting a bargain with this new offering.  Now for the rules.  Since this a discounted program, the following rules will be applied:
  1. No refunds or exchanges.
  2. 2 season minimum buy in
  3. No full cards can be used
  4. No stamps will be given

We've been planning this one for some time now and are so excited to finally be able to offer it to you.  We have some great items lined up for these babies, so sign up today. 
The first seasonal box will be handed out in March just in time for Spring and the deadline to sign up is Valentine's Day, February 14, 2014.

Hope you can be a part of Mo's fun!

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